Big, beautiful, breathtaking things are happening around you right this second all you need to do is find inspiration in it. Being a product of this generation I know how procrastination is our enemy and all we’re lacking is a little inspiration.
When I started this blog back in June, my mom would often tell her friends how she has to be cautious of saying anything around me now since some of the blogs I’ve written are inspired by simple conversations at home.
From experience and a lot of binges on Netflix, I have learned that the more actively you seek inspiration the more it tends to slip away. To find inspiration in small things you first need to appreciate the value of casual conversations and the mundane life. Just like you don’t know what’s going to happen the next second, you never know when inspiration will knock on your door.
Recently a friend of mine suggested I listen to the song superhero by Lauv and the inspiration behind that song truly touched my heart. Here’s the video
Your imagination is only your limitation, so let someone assume you’re crazy for having a wacko idea but remember there’s a millionaire sitting in his mansion because he invented the pool noodle, no idea, no inspiration is too small.