Lately, I’ve found that my life has come to a standstill. There is a LOT going on but yet I feel like I’m simply drifting from one day to the next. There’s nothing that excites me to wake up in the morning so I lay in bed till lunch and just tell myself I’ll start tomorrow, but do I? Absolutely not. This cycle of leaving things to be done later and just waiting and hoping that your motivation will kick in soon isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Like anyone else, I have these phases of inconsistency too, when I simply want to lay in bed and do nothing, talk to no one, and just be by myself. IT’S OKAY to have these moments, everyone needs to spend a little time just by themselves, but take a couple of hours off, a day off, a weekend off but the longer it prolongs the more you’ll see your zest to work fall away. This is why it’s important to live a good lifestyle, make a habit of it, and be disciplined with your work because, on days where your motivation won’t kick in, discipline definitely will.

So I woke up today and decided to conquer, I planned my Instagram posts for a month, I’m writing this blog right now, I’m done recording my first podcast (YES, I STARTED A PODCAST AND IM ECSTATIC), and I’m finally back to feeling like myself. Too often we confide in our bed, sad songs, and off moods to know the answers to our problems but the secret is to WORK, to face your problems because avoiding them won’t make them go away, the secret is to wake up and get your work done and be true to yourself.

The one thing I have learned over these months is that we spend most of our lives waiting, waiting for the “Right one”, waiting for the best opportunity, waiting for the right moment to open that expensive bottle of champagne, waiting till Monday to start working, waiting for motivation, waiting for approval, waiting for the next best thing. What we don’t realize is that the game isn’t in waiting, it’s in being on the tip of your toes, the edge of your seat, in living life like it’s your last day, in being excited for what’s coming next.

Its a process and it is going to take you a while before you reach that kind of a discipline but giving up is just going to delay it so picture your future self, picture how you work, picture the house you live in, your company, and your future lifestyle and show up as that person every single day.