I’m going to start this blog with a couple of statistics.
7.8 billion people and you think getting rejected by that one boy or that one girl is the end of the world?
These many condemning issues and you think your little quarrel with a friend is everlasting?

Innumerable companies in the world and getting turned down from a few of them is the end of your career?
I know that life isn’t as simple as these statistics and there are so many factors between you and your dreams but my dear, just like there’s always going to be someone better than you, there’s always going to be one more company, one more relationship, one more best friend. Embrace the change and welcome all the opportunities coming your way. Don’t stop on the account of the inconveniences, be strong, look up and push through it because you only have so much time to live and if you don’t try now you’re only going to regret the chances you didn’t take.
Incase someone didn’t tell you today you’re doing great and you got this!
Yeah friends for ever 😘